Go The Extra Mile: Life on the Run
A talk with Dean Karnazes, Ultramarathoner
Rock/Creek 2 North Shore, Chattanooga, TN
October 2-3, 2009
‘Superhuman’ is the only word to describe Dean Karnazes’ feat of running 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 days. Dubbed “The Ultramarathon Man,” and ranked among the 100 Time Magazine’s most influential people, Dean’s message to all is, “Get off the couch, get healthy, go the extra mile.” With that mantra, and with a physiology adapted for endless running, he’s run 350 miles – nonstop – and most recently completed an ultramarathon across the world’s four great deserts, the Atacama, Sahara, Gobi and Antarctic.
Reserve your tickets today:
Saturday Events:
Three ticket options are available:
CLICK HERE to Purchase Tickets Today!
Limited Quantity Available; these will go fast, so don’t delay
$20- VIP Ticket includes the 6pm VIP Reception & Seat Reservation for the 7pm Presentation
$8 – General Admission Ticket includes Seat Reservation for the 7pm Presentation
$0 – Free Admission Ticket include a limited quantity of available free tickets.
First come first serve with no Seat Reservation Guarantee for the 7pm Presentation
After the amazing 2009 StumpJump 50K & 11 Mile Race has finished and all stumps have been jumped, come join us for a VIP Reception at the One North Shore Penthouse for a one-on-one opportunity to mingle with Dean Karnazes. Thanks to smart|furniture for sponsoring the space, and to The North Face for bringing such an exciting speaker to Chattanooga. Tickets are required.
Note: Friday’s talk is open to Rock/Creek StumpJump runners only.
See information on the Rock/Creek StumpJump here >
Read the books before you see the presentation!

by Dean Karnazes with Matt Fitzgerald
Dean Karnazes has run 350 continuous miles through three sleepless nights, ordered pizza during long runs, and inspired fans the world over with his adventures. So what does a guy like this do when he wants to face the ultimate test of endurance? He runs 50 marathons in 50 states– in 50 consecutive days.
Packed with practical advice and including training regimens, 50/50 will inspire you no matter what your fitness goal is, whether it’s simply walking around the block, running a 10K, or completing yet another Ironman.
Available online at rockcreek.com or in our two main store locations Rock/Creek at Hamilton Place and Rock/Creek at Two North Shore.
Ultramarathon Man: Confessions of an All-Night Runner
by Dean Karnazes profiles his life and experiences with being one of the best ultramarathoners in the country.
Read and become inspired as one runner says,
“when I turned the last page, I immediately got out my running gear and had one of my best runs in a while” -Dave
Available online at rockcreek.com or in our two main store locations Rock/Creek at Hamilton Place and Rock/Creek at Two North Shore.

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