Today marks the 45th anniversary of the original Earth Day. Founded on April 22nd, 1970 by Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson as a means of bringing an ecological awareness of our natural world to our daily life, Earth Day continues to grow in relevance each year as we continue to strive to protect & preserve our environment. Rock/Creek has compiled a quick list of some ways to celebrate your Earth Day in Chattanooga.
1. Have a coffee at Revelator Coffee Company
Start your Earth Day journey on the corner of Market St. Bridge & Frazier Ave. New to the area, Revelator Coffee Company moved in last month to provide sustainable sourced & locally roasted coffee to Chattanoogans. Enjoy a fresh cup of coffee or tea at their newest coffee shop and 100 percent of all Earth Day sales will go to the Tennessee River Gorge Trust.
The Tennessee River Gorge Trust’s mission is to conserve & protect the Tennessee River watershed with it’s spectacular bluffs & unique regional flora and fauna species. Make sure to visit their newly-built bird monitoring & banding station. Rock/Creek’s very own Brian Costilow & Mark McKnight spent a day at the trust property to explore sedimentary cliff bands. Read their trip report here.
2. Connect with the earth with a walk on Stringer’s Ridge
After your warm drink has settled, continue north until you discover the urban jewel of Chattanooga: Stringer’s Ridge. This 92-acre inner city forest preserve has plenty of winding trails for hikers, runners & cyclists. A map at all access points makes sure no one gets lost in this interwoven trail system. Make sure to stop at the view point on Cherokee Trail for a sweeping view of Chattanooga and the Tennessee River Valley. To make the best out of your time on Stringer’s Ridge, see these tips from RootsRated.

3. Get a free seedling & plant a tree
Is there such a thing as too many trees? Trees help to keep the air clean, cool down the earth, and create a home for birds and critters. “One tree at a time”, that’s the motto of Oboz Footwear–for every shoe they sell they will plant a tree. To celebrate Earth Day, they have teamed up with Rock/Creek and will hand out free seedlings to every individual who tries on a pair of Oboz hiking shoes. Stop by Rock/Creek at 2 North Shore or at Hamilton Place to get your tree and plant an Earth Day tree at home. All details here.
4. Support local farmers & visit the Main St. Farmer’s Market
Hungry after all of these adventures? Come celebrate the big farmers market season kick-off at the Main Street Farmer’s Market on Earth Day. The market is back to summer hours and is open from 4-6pm. The season opening festivities include food, music and other fun activities to celebrate the beginning of the growing season. The word on the street is that Hoe Hop Valley Farm is smoking up some chicken to put together delicious tacos and The Farmer’s Daughter is bringing crispy spring side dishes.
325 East Main Street on Chattanooga’s Southside
5. Get out more in the future
Doesn’t your experience in nature get better the further away you are from civilization? Listen…and you hear no cars, only the leaves softly falling from the branches. Open your eyes…and you see no sharp edges of towering buildings, only the rounded curves of a majestic canopy. Breathe the clean air… and you can’t smell fast food and engine fumes, but only honeysuckle blossoms in the breeze. It’s not always easy to escape the grind of daily life. But, backpacking is a low-impact activity that can allow any and everyone the opportunity to do so.
Come learn how to plan and pack for your own trip, as well as how to choose the right gear & apparel. Join Backpacker Magazine’s ‘Get Out More’ Tour for a 75-minute seminar, complete with useful advice and inspiring stories on hiking & backpacking. Only at 7pm at Rock/Creek at 2 North Shore.
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