Grassroots Outdoor Alliance members are currently attending the “Early Show,” a sort of mini-trade show where Grassroots members and their vendor partners have a few days in Snow Bird for line shows and other business before the madhouse of OR in August. Grassroots just announced that Chaco has offset all members’ travel to and from the show through Native Energy.
I was impressed that the release recognized that offsets are “not a total sustainability solution for the Early Show event,” but rather part of a larger sustainability program for the show. Specifically, the money Chaco donated will go to an interesting program where Midwestern farmers are given the opportunity to purchase, with the help of capital from Native Energy, wind turbines that provide for their energy needs without relying on fossil fuels. The press release has a few more details:
Chaco and the Grassroots Outdoor Alliance chose to buy offsets from Native Energy for a number of reasons. First, Native Energy is known for its transparency, and the entire offset purchase amount will go toward a Native Energy project called