The Cumberland Trail Conference is seeking volunteers to help build a bridge spanning Big Possum Creek.
August 28-September 4: bridge building Big Possum Creek. During this time period, volunteers are needed to bring in lumber, rebar, concrete, and the tools needed to build the bridge foundations. I have several people that have offered to help get the material back to the bridge site on 4-wheelers. Once the material is at the site, volunteers are needed to construct the foundations. Camping will be available at the Possum Creek campground on Lee Pike. The CTC will pay for the campsites and will provide meals (it will be camp food, sorry nothing fancy). If you are interested in helping with this first step in building the Big Possum Creek bridge contact Amanda Leamon at [email protected].
The Cumberland Trail Conference is a 501.3c whose mission is to “build, maintain, provide activities on and promote the Cumberland Trail, a scenic trail along the Cumberland Plateau between Chattanooga and Cumberland Gap, in order to help preserve the historical and cultural heritage of Tennessee, conserve natural resources, provide educational and recreational opportunities and connect local communities.
Visit the Cumberland Trail Conference website for more information and maps of the Cumberland Trail.
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