RockCreek has been a part of the group formerly known as ROI for many years. The group has recently changed to a more consumer-friendly name (that also happens to sound a lot less like one of our biggest competitors): “The Grassroots Outdoor Alliance.” With the name change comes a new focus. Check out this Piton post, where the group’s Executive Director, Dave Matz, talks a bit more about the our new direction. There’s another interview coming soon, so I’ll post that when I see it come out.
We want to highlight our members as the local specialty outdoor store with the beta you need. We have the best and most innovative products, the best local knowledge for whatever activity you are pursuing, the knowledge and commitment to preserve our local recreational resources. We support our communities with our events whether they are races, fun participation events, speakers, clinics or charity fund raisers. All these things make us different from big box stores and Grassroots wants to celebrate these specialty stores.