Remember our Vibram FiveFingers contest? Well, if you haven’t already signed up, you’re running out of time to do so. The only thing better than a Vibram FiveFingers sale is a FREE pair, and we’re doing our very best to hook you up.
To enter to win a pair of Vibram FiveFingers toe shoes, just visit our contest signup page and enter your email. Winners will be chosen at the end of June (which is, uh, pretty soon) and notified via email. IMPORTANT: even if you already receive the Rock/Creek newsletter, to enter this specific contest you’ll need to enter your email on the signup page. Complete details for the Vibram FiveFingers giveaway are available here.
Maybe you want to get into barefoot running, or maybe you just want the feeling of walking barefoot without wincing every time you step on a pebble. It doesn’t matter, because we’re giving away free Vibram FiveFingers barefoot shoes, and you could win ’em!
Jeff Stansberry says
I’ve ran with the New Balance Minimus and the New Balance MT101 and I love them both. I can’t wait to try the 5 Fingers!
chad Deschenes says
I had a pair but they got stolen and cannot afford another pair.I run and do boot camps 3-4 times per week. I am trying to get the word out about these finger shoes with all the people that I ATTEND THESE CLASSES TO. i can see how eveyone one would love these shoes.
thanks CHAD