“(Hoka) allows me to run with comfort and confidence, knowing that as I get more and more tired … the shoe will protect my foot. “
Grabbing the Pebble: Six tips on losing the status of “rookie” in your sport
“If you finished a 5k and had to have your mom pace you for the second half, that’s fine, but just don’t expect much recognition when you brag about it.”
Rock/Creek Race Team member DeWayne Satterfield, on a 20-year streak
Twenty Is Just a Number I have been running ultras for 25 years and, having degrees in mathematics, I have always had an interest in numbers. But I also know how they can be presented to spin the story as needed…”lies, damned lies, and statistics”. So my spun tale unfolding here is the recent culmination […]
Guest post: Three first-time 50k mistakes to avoid, by Cory Hall
Special thanks to Cory Hall for providing this guest post! — Jeff Signing up for your first 50K can be both exciting and intimidating at the same time. I was an avid trail runner for several years before finally getting up the courage to try a 50K. Actually, truth be told, my decision to run […]
#LM50: An interview with Lookout Mountain 50 Mile women’s winner Ali Edwards
At this weekend’s Lookout Mountain 50 mile trail race, like all of our ultras, there was no shortage of compelling stories; sit down with any ultra runner and you’re bound to learn something interesting. Throughout the day, however, one runner consistently raised the most eyebrows: Ali Edwards, from Birmingham, AL. When she came through the […]
#LM50: Results & Photos from the 2012 Lookout Mountain 50 Mile & 10k trail race
Well, it’s a week before Christmas, and that can mean only one thing: that the Rock/Creek Lookout Mountain 50…