Outdoor Chattanooga is hosting a hike at local green space, Stringer’s Ridge, on Thursday, May 6, at 6pm. Meet at Outdoor Chattanooga, 200 River St. in Coolidge Park then car caravan to the trailhead.
Expect an hour or so of hiking at a leisurely pace on singletrack trail, a few rocky sections, and a couple of good hills. Sturdy shoes and long pants are a must. The poison ivy is plentiful.
This property has been an ongoing project after it’s recent purchase by Trust for Public Land with help from organizations and businesses in the area such as Rock/Creek. These hikes provide an opportunity for residents and locals to preview the land in a low key event, and share with locals, what’s in their backyard.
Keep up with Rock/Creek’s Blog or Outdoor Chattanooga’s posts for future hikes and clean ups like the one hosted back in the fall [ Read Rock/Creek’s Archive on the First Clean Up Day Here]- Pictures from the clean up HERE >
The hike is suitable for adults and kids ages 8 and older when accompanied by an adult. The hike will go on, rain or shine, but not in thunder and lightning storms. An RSVP is appreciated.
To RSVP or learn more call or email Outdoor Chattanooga at (423) 643-6889.
of visit Outdoor Chattanooga’s Facebook Event for Stringer’s Ridge Hike Here >
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