“If you finished a 5k and had to have your mom pace you for the second half, that’s fine, but just don’t expect much recognition when you brag about it.”
Trail Runner Training
The importance of core strength for trail running
If you have read any fitness article lately, I am sure you have seen the term “core” appear. We hear talk about core training and focusing on our core muscles and with good reason: our core muscles are to our bodies what a foundation is to a house, the basis of its strength. A strong […]
A Beginner’s Guide to Running Their First 5 Mile Trail Race
In preparation for the Rock/Creek Trail Series Greenway 5 Mile Trail Race happening in August 7, 2010- Rock/Creek Race Team Member, Dreama Campbell, has created a 10 week training schedule for those interested in exploring trail running in a small dose. You have about 10 weeks between May 31 and the Greenway 5 Mile Trail […]
Nutritional Tips for Trail Running
Trail running is quickly becoming one of the most popular sports in the outdoor industry. Barely recognized as a sport a few years ago, trail running was viewed as a speedy alternative to hiking. However, with the emergence of ultra-distance running on trails the prestige that comes with winning a trail race has increased tremendously. […]