There will be a Wilderness Workshop planned for Saturday, October 31 in Chattanooga. From 10 AM – 2 PM, Tennessee Wild will hold a Wilderness Workshop at the Chattanooga Nature Center. Representatives from Campaign for America’s Wilderness and The Wilderness Society will be on hand for this fun and interactive training.
Attendees will learn how they can get involved with our effort to expand wilderness in Tennessee’s Cherokee National Forest. The workshop is free and open to the public. Childcare will be provided.
Directions to the Chattanooga Nature Center >
For more information, or to register, please contact Jeff Hunter at 423-322-7866 or [email protected].
Tennessee Wild is dedicated to protecting wilderness on the Cherokee National Forest for the benefit and enjoyment of current and future generations. They aim to educate the public about the benefits of wilderness and promote volunteerism and the sound stewardship of Tennessee’s wild places.
Tennessee Wild organizations include:
Tennessee Citizens for Wilderness Planning
Sierra Club: Harvey Broome Chapter (Knoxville, TN)
The Wilderness Society
Cherokee Forest Voices
Smoky Mountains Hiking Club
Southern Appalachian Forest Coalition
Southern Environmental Law Center
Campaign for America’s Wilderness
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