After much deliberation, we’ve settled on winners for the 2011 “5.10 Days of May” Five Ten giveaway. Here is the list!
- Day 1: Stephen Glass, for his recollection of his first climbing trip. Here’s a sample:
“The next day began like a dream. We had set up camp with the help of a flashlight, and were amazed at our surroundings when the sun came up. We had actually slept on top of one of the giant railroad car-sized boulders which just happened to contain some great warm-up routes on it. Just after we found our whereabouts in the guide and were warmed up, that slight chance of rain became a reality…” - Day 2: Andy Scott, for re-tweeting our message on Twitter.
- Day 3: Mike Nalevanko, for his review of the Five Ten Blackwing climbing shoes. Excerpt:
“This shoe is designed for high-level bouldering and sport climbing. If you are climbing V5/6+ or 5.11’s then these shoes would work well for you… I recommend this to anyone looking to go to the next level!” - Day 4: Beth Gilomen, for “liking” Wild Trails on Facebook.
- Day 5: Ryan Stott, for this photo of a “Five Ten moment” in which he scared his mom!
- Day 6: Max Pelli, for his very creative take on our “favorite climb” contest. A portion of his response:
“Then one day, I was there all alone and just nailed it. It was beautiful. I had never felt satisfaction like that. It was seriously the greatest feeling in the world to have worked and worked at something and then finally get it. It was like a turning point from a beginner to a serious climber.” - Day 7: Jake Current, for “liking” Triple Crown of Bouldering on Facebook.
- Day 8: Katrin Bell, for her story about her favorite climbing trip. My favorite part:
“Lastly, our one rule for the end of the trip was: Everyone HAD to take a shower before getting in the cars for the drive back south… not one person complained. We were looking pretty ragged, and smelled even worse.” - Day 9: Barbara King, for “liking” the Five Ten Dragon on and posting on our Facebook page.
- Day 10: Daniel DeMoss, for his lengthy explanation of his dream climbing trip, which concludes:
“Last time I was there, I sprained my ankle on the first day of my trip and couldn’t climb the rest of the time. I spent about three days sitting on a crash pad in a Vicodin haze. If I could go back now, I would climb until I couldn’t grip anything!”
Congratulations to all of our winners! We’ll get in touch with you via email or Facebook so you can give us your shipping address (and let us know which shoes you’d like).
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