Hiking boots are meant to provide support, grip, and protection. They should provide comfort for extended walks over rough terrain. Some boots go the extra mile by having a fun, eye-catching design. And these are the ones we really fall in love with. Stylish hiking boots might seem like an oxymoron (jumbo shrimp, anyone?). However, […]
How to Layer Outdoor Clothing
What is Layering? If you’ve spent any time in the outdoors, you’ve heard the term “layering.” If you’re new to outdoor activities, though, or maybe if you own a fleece or rain jacket but not much else in the way of outdoor clothing, it may not be entirely clear what this means. How are the […]
Easy Tips to Care for Your Merino Wool
Here at Rock/Creek, Merino wool is our favorite miracle fiber. On top of its luxurious softness and multi-day odor resistance, it’s sustainable, ultra-versatile and manages moisture like no other. As if all that weren’t enough, Merino dries quickly and insulates in all conditions, making it a top choice for socks, baselayers and active […]
Tremont: A Smoky Mountain Hideaway
On the Townsend side of the Smokies you’ll find one of the most charming sections of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. An area that was once a hustling and bustling logging community – complete with hotel, post office and tiny homes… Yes, tiny homes – before they were hip. You’ll find an area that […]