On October 6, over 200 climbers got together to climb at Hound Ears Club near Banner Elk, NC. These photos tell their stories.
Triple Crown Bouldering Series
Hidden Valley Climbing Area Reopens
If you’re an Access Fund member, you might have seen the email below in your email inbox this week. We’re excited here at Rock/Creek that another amazing climbing area has been secured and reopened by the dedicated folks at the Access Fund. Hidden Valley is a fun area with a variety of climbing on high-quality sandstone. […]
Chatt Steel sport climbing guidebook now available for pre-order at Rock/Creek
Local climbers (and those who travel to Chattanooga frequently) have been patiently waiting for the new…
An interview with Black Diamond Apparel Director Tim Bantle
“I’ve yet to find a great new product concept that can be executed in less than seven tries. ” –TB
Coming September 2013: Black Diamond apparel launches at Rock/Creek
Did you know that Fall 2013 brings with it the new Black Diamond apparel launch? Or that Rock/Creek is planning to offer the entire Black Diamond clothing line, and we’ll be one of a select few retailers who have it, and you can find it here first? Well, consider yourself warned: Black Diamond apparel is […]
Sandstone Style Guide: Why Chattanooga’s sport climbing season never ends
The following is a guest post by local climber extraordinaire and guidebook co-author Cody Averbeck.